Incredible Plants Poster


Plants, one way or another, are key to solving global problems from food security to rising carbon dioxide levels. The problem is that to make this happen we need plant scientists, and they are in short supply. As students consider which careers and/or degree courses they might follow, this poster puts plants front and centre. Not only does it provide unusual and intriguing insights which can be used in a number of ways as part of lessons, but it also offers a small window on some potential futures involving plants.

Plants are relevant in so many areas of biology, not just the topics usually filed as ‘plant science’. Plants face and overcome all of the challenges of life faced by humans and other animals, indeed, by all organisms. Using them to illustrate something usually applied to animals is a striking way to help develop an holistic approach to biology in students. Whether used to introduce topics, round things off, stimulate discussion or trigger revision sessions, this poster will help open the eyes of your students to the power and potential of plant science.

The teaching notes give additional information about the contexts on the Amazing Plants poster and provide you with some suggestions for curriculum links and additional activities. In addition, there is an accompanying PowerPoint presentation containing photos of these contexts so that you can further bring these real-world examples to life for your students.

Other posters in the series:

To sign up for a free copy of the fourth poster in the series, which is about plant science careers, click here.

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