Making a Model Brassica Flower & Seed
ResourceMake yourself a model brassica flower and a model brassica seed, and understand how bees help with pollination
Follow the instructions and template on the attached file for the flower.
To make the model seed:
1. Download the template from the files on the right, and print it full size, 13.3cm x 16.7cm. You may need to adjust your browser so that the printer does not try to shrink the page. Alternatively, you may copy the image and paste it into your word processor.
2. Use the template (download from the files on the right) to cut out the shapes from a squeezy kitchen mop sponge. Insert the shoot/root into the hole in the cotyledons. Wet the sponge then squeeze out the excess water.
3. Fold the sponge in half
4. Fold in half again
5. Fold the radicle (root) round the edge and bind very tightly with thick cord or boot lace. Leave to dry for 2 days in a warm place.
6. When completely dry, remove the cord. The ‘seed’ is now ready.
7. Put the ‘seed’ in a clear glass bowl of water and watch germination take place before your eyes.
- What happens to the seed just after you put it in the bowl of water?
- Which part of the seedling emerges first, the radicle (root) or the plumule (shoot)?
- What conditions does a seed need in order to germinate?
- Which part of the seed is missing from our model?