SAPS Image Library


This collection of images helps you bring biology to life in your classroom. We’ve got over 200 photos for you to use in Powerpoints, worksheets and posters – freely available for educational use.

The SAPS Image Collection includes a range of images, illustrating topics such as ecosystems, plant-pollinator interactions, adaptations and plant morphology. The database also includes a number of images taken using a confocal microscope to illustrate plant cell structure in detail.

Each image is accompanied by a detailed description, putting the image into context.

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Acknowledgements and copyright

This is collection of images which are provided for use in teaching and learning in educational institutions subject to agreement with the terms and conditions below.

Images may only be freely downloaded and used for learning and teaching purposes within educational establishments for non-profit purposes only.
Users may not use images for commercial or for-profit purposes – such uses include: textbooks, magazines, journals, other printed media that is sold for profit, web pages for commercial purposes, paid consultancy work.

Copyright remains with the original copyright holder (normally the contributor)

Images have been provided by: John Adds, Andrew Baker, Anne Bebbington, John Bebbington, Phil Bradfield, Erica Clark (Larkcom), Leighton Dann, John Feltwell, Beverley Glover, Jim Haseloff, John Runions and David Walker. Selection of images and preparation of text has been carried out by: Andrew Baker, Anne Bebbington, John Bebbington FRPS, Phil Bradfield, Erica Clark. Other contributions and comments on the text have been made by: Paul Beaumont, Leighton Dann, Debbie Eldridge.

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